Lorenzo Giovanni

Lorenzo Giovanni
Born February 22, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lorenzo's Busy schedule..

Monday-- Pediatrician Checkup
Tuesday-- Occupational Therapy
Wednesday-- Sooner Start Early Intervention
Thursday-- Physical Therapy & Eye Doctor
Friday-- Genetics Appointment Round three....

Any questions??? In between i'm still the mom to three wonderful kids and i should breath and feed myself... Ready set go

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Early Intervention

After my so waited meeting with Sooner Start, after two hours of talking and 2 physical therapist doing all type of test on Lorenzo, the good news they don't think his case of Hypotonia is as severe as other cases, he can roll over, hold objects in both hands, smile, lift head & body when in the ground, eat, drink from cup, and when he is in the water will attempt the movements to crawl... & started saying once in a while Mama... with all that said, my journey ahead in the next 3 years ahead is going to be hard, but somehow I know treating my family at somehow "normal" will guide me in the road ahead... I'm focusing on finding special bath chair, and carseat for Lorenzo right now and working very hard probably the hardest i ever worked on keeping my kids in the right track at school, and dedicating each breath to them and getting lorenzo moving... I think the day i see him take his first steps i could breath..... The weeks ahead touring Bethany Children Center, Special Care Daycare in OKC, and J.D. Macarthy Center in Norman....
By keeping my sanity and bring the extra cash, found myself a JOB... lets see how that goes...

I'm beyond excitement for my mom to be here in the next few weeks (I miss her dearly), and the holidays ahead... i want to remember the good times ahead, and focus on what i have in my hands now, and my reality.. better than wishing and hoping for what i don't have right now... Sometimes you need life to slap you a few times to see what is important... Trust me I been slapped a few times now.... Good day everyone!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

BOO is Halloween!!

My sweet baby boy

Lorenzo's First Picnic

Lorenzo's First Halloween

I adore my mom & she adores me

my sophie is my favorite toy

I'm eating in a big boy chair

I love to play...

Lorenzo is 8 months now

Is been a while, you can imagine how busy my life is these days... We moved to small town USA, absolutely love it, my kids are happy, i'm very blessed to be in a more comfortable home for my kids and specially lorenzo, a one story home will make his days way easier if he someday will walk... As today we still got no respond in his condition, I stopped concentrating looking for the reason or cause of this hypotonia, and focusing in what i can do to accept it and move forward... Everyday for me is a challenge Lorenzo still won't sit or hold his head, won't crawl, won't talk, he is very alert and interact with his siblings... everyday activities are double the work with a child with special needs..... My back is showing signs of how hard it is to carry such a heavy baby all the time and is time to start looking into special equipment.... and all i see is $$$$ expenses are off the roof....

We are attending physical therapy and Occupational therapy, (finally after 7 months of waiting, sooner start is coming to our home starting Monday) waiting to attend the Bethany Children's Center for children with special needs... Also, hoping Lorenzo can start attending Mother's day out at Special care...

In the emotional level i'm still learning to deal with the comments of random people, who will ask why my baby won't hold his head etc... or the fact that my baby won't do what other children do at his age... Went shopping for christmas and of course i'm standing in the toy aisle having complete meltdown all my baby will get for christmas may be a rattle because he won't be able to play with age appropriate toys... I'm thankful for the support of everyone around us and of course the special friends that make my days easier with the calls and pull me up when all i want to do is cry and feel sorry for myself... and I live each day dreaming of the day, i can see lorenzo walk or just don't look like a rag doll.... but for now each day is a miracle for me and i'm thankful for my kids each day....